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Yoga workshop on your event

Adding a yoga workshop to your event is always a good idea!

Whether it is a music festival or a conference that you are organising - yoga break will be a great tool to renew the energy of your participants while at the same give a little break from the actual program of an event.

As for the yoga teacher, leading the yoga class on a one time event is completely different from a classy yoga workshop in a studio. First of all, because you can not predict what kind of group will attend the class on a one time event - it can be either a group of people who already had their first experiences/classes of yoga beforehand, or not at all. Group can be also a mix of experienced and not experienced at yoga people - in any case this is a job of a yoga teacher to adjust to the flow of the group. Another thing to take care of is a group mood - as a yoga teacher, it is important to feel the group atmosphere, what kind of energy there is and what is expected, what the participants need from an upcoming yoga class. Sometimes there is a need for chill and relaxation, another times class needs to be more powerful and vibrant, for the group to be more energised after the class and till the end of the day and the rest of the event program. Finally, people attending your yoga class on an event will most probably be new to you - meaning you, as a yoga teacher, will be meeting their physiology and body types for the first time, so the class itself needs to be general and accessible to all body types. It is very important to ask at the very beginning of a class if there are any injuries you as a yoga teacher need to know about (this, as such, has to be asked on every class, not only in events). But also be cautious at all time throughout the class and remind the participants to do everything exceptionally within their physical comfort.

Space is another thing to think about while organising a yoga class at the event. If there is a possibility, it is good to check out the space of a future class beforehand, to be able to plan how the class will be settled as well as what kind of additional gadgets can be used during the class or even might be needed. It is also important to know what kind of external factors might be helpful or disturbing - music, people talking or watching, nature around, mosquitos etc. These and much more can give either extra benefits to the class or on contrary be very disturbing for yoga teacher or class participants.

Adding a yoga workshop on the agenda of an event shows the event participants that organisers are carrying about their wellbeing and health. This kind of workshop makes an agenda of your event more diverse and interactive while also refreshes participants and gets them ready and energised for the further part of the day.

From my side, I am happy to lead movement and yoga workshops on your event. Feel free to reach out to me for more details and let's practice together!

Photo made during SFORA electronic music festival, Poland 2022.

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